When Is The Best Time To Sell My Middlesex NJ Home During Divorce?

by | Feb 10, 2022 | Blog

Divorce can be difficult to navigate in New Jersey, just like in other parts of the United States. Not only is it emotionally taxing on both parties, but financially taxing as well. A great way to alleviate the demands of the divorce process in New Jersey is to find the best time to sell your house while in divorce.

How do you know when the best time will be, you might ask? A number of factors need to align before the best time comes to you.

Read on to discover what these are:

Assure that you and your spouse agree on equal distribution

According to New Jersey law, any kind of property that falls under the category of marital assets needs to be divided equally among the divorcing spouses. This can be determined with the help of the divorcing couple’s respective lawyers, but generally, all marital assets need to be acquired during the course of your marriage.

If this property has been acquired before the marriage happened, you may need additional help from your lawyers to determine who it goes to.

Stick to a timeline

A lot of unpredictable things can happen in the middle of a divorce. Previously agreed upon arrangements could change in an instant, especially if your spouse decides to disagree with you regarding certain stipulations. Understand that you may have a hard time doing this, but it’s better to be firm rather than to be wishy-washy about something as important as the sale of your home.

With the help of your lawyer, set several agreements in writing regarding the exact timeline of your house being sold. These may be moved, but this should depend on the buyer, not your spouse.

Be familiar with the different outcomes

There are many different outcomes that could happen when a couple desires to sell their old home while going through a divorce. It’s best to be familiar with them so you can prepare accordingly for what happens next.

Here are some things that can happen:

  • One of you could buy out the other’s share of the property
  • One of you lives in the home until your youngest child turns eighteen
  • The house is sold as soon as possible. Profits are split evenly between the two of you.

Make sure communication lines are open and as civil as possible so you don’t have to worry about conflicts arising regarding any of the outcomes that can happen.

Find the best option for selling

There are many ways you can quickly sell a home. Here are some of the ways you can explore:


Employ a real estate agent

One with an impressive track record can have your home turned over in a month or two.


Sell directly to a family member

A family member who is familiar with your situation could be more amenable to acquiring the home, and will likely agree with any decent price you give them.

List your home on a realty service

Zillow and Realtor.com are good options
The best option for selling will depend on what you think can get you a legitimate, fast sale. Explore your options!

Consider getting a divorce realtor

The great thing about hiring a divorce realtor is tapping into someone who knows the current marketing landscape of wherever you want to sell in, while also having considerable experience in dealing with couples who have decided to divorce for good.

While a deal is pushing through, tensions may run high. You and your spouse may not be on the best terms all the time, and an experienced third party can make a sale happen despite conflicts arising.

Sell to a professional home buyer!

Need to get your house sold immediately? All you need to do is to contact us at Quick N Easy Offers, where we buy houses fast for cash in Middlesex, NJ. Just visit our website and get your fair cash offer today by filling in the boxes in our homepage with your full name, property address, and phone number.

No need to get pre-qualified by a bank or list your home on any home listing platform! Just contact us and we’ll get everything sorted out for you. See you soon!

Michael Hernandez

Real Estate Professional, dedicated to helping homeowners and home-seekers meet their real estate goals.

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