Six lawn care mistakes that can ruin your yard in New Jersey (2021)

by | Mar 5, 2021 | Blog

If you want to sell your house fast in New Jersey then make sure you do not make these six lawn mistakes because they might end up ruining your precious yard.

Who doesn’t want a beautiful, lush, tidy lawn, like the putting green of a golf course?

The problem, though, is that the exact things we do in order to get the lawn we want often end up doing far more harm than good.

So here you will find six lawn care mistakes that can ruin your yard in New Jersey, mistakes that must be avoided at all costs.

1. What’s the problem?

First, find out exactly what the problem is before you try to solve it. If your yard is unhealthy and you misdiagnose the problem and then use the wrong treatment, your yard could end up looking even worse than it did before. Sometimes it’s difficult to work out whether your lawn is suffering from an insect problem or fungal issues, and so the wrong treatment may simply make the problem even worse.

2. Nip shorty in the bud

If you are mowing too short, and too often, the grass plants will not be able to develop vibrant foliage and deep strong roots; in addition, the plants will neither be able to take in nutrients nor take up water.

The plants will then become more susceptible to disease and vulnerable to attacks from all manner of pests.

Taller grass has the additional advantage of shading the weeds and therefore impedes their growth, obviously a good thing. Grass that is cut too short can’t do this, however, and then you will be inviting a weed infestation to your yard.

3. Do not wait in vain where weeds are concerned

A related mistake is waiting too long to address your weed problems.

Conventional wisdom asserts that prevention is always better than a cure when it comes to weeds.

But if you do let weeds set up camp in your lawn, then you need to see the cure as a long-term, ongoing process.

The problem is that there simply aren’t any quick fixes in this situation, such as poisoning your lawn by using an excessive amount of weed killer. That’s just an expensive way to ruin your yard.

4. Remember it’s a lawn and not a swimming pool

Out of the six lawn care mistakes that can ruin your yard in New Jersey, this is one that a lot of us are guilty of when the hot, dry summer weather comes around.

In fact, watering too often can impact your lawn even more adversely than not watering it enough.

Daily watering interferes with the growth of deep roots, and then the grass plants will no longer be able to survive the ever-harsher weather conditions.

5. Feed me now

Don’t let the lawn starve to death. When it comes to feeding your lawn, one size does not fit all. Regularly fertilizing is, of course, essential for a healthy lawn but it needs to be the right fertilizer, in the right amounts, and at the right time.

So for example, in late spring and early summer, you should use a fertilizer with slow-release nitrogen. Too much nitrogen too quickly can burn the developing grass plants, which may then, in turn, be stunted and brownish, if they are able to survive at all that is. This is merely one instance of when too much of a good thing can definitely be harmful if not downright deadly.

6. Are you planting the wrong kind of grass?

Planting, or re-planting, the wrong species of grass for your specific lawn conditions just might be the hardest mistake to rectify out of all the six lawn care mistakes that can ruin your yard in New Jersey. It may well take years to put right again.

So let us say, for example, that you just love the look of the vibrant Kentucky bluegrass growing in your neighbor’s yard.

What you have failed to notice however is that your neighbor’s yard is feeding on direct sunlight while yours is darkened and shaded by large tall trees so if you carry on and plant Kentucky bluegrass, you will be greatly disappointed by the results.

Another thing, as most yards have a mix of shady areas and sunny areas, just one kind of grass is rarely the best approach, in fact, it’s a big mistake.

Avoid making these mistakes and the beauty of your lawn, as well as the yard as a whole, will add value to your house and help you sell it quicker.If, however, you decide that all those gardening concerns cause you too much trouble and you only want to sell your home fast then contact Quick N Easy Offers.

Michael Hernandez

Real Estate Professional, dedicated to helping homeowners and home-seekers meet their real estate goals.

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