Here’s What You Need To Know When Selling A Fire Damaged Home In Middlesex NJ

by | Feb 13, 2022 | Blog

Fire damaged houses in Middlesex, NJ may look like hopeless causes to sell, but we’d like to debunk this myth. It’s totally possible to still sell a home that’s been damaged by fire, but as a NJ-based home owner, it’s your responsibility to understand what you should know before you start to sell your house with fire damage.

We compiled a quick list of things to remember while putting fire damaged houses for sale in NJ. Remember these and you’ll be on your way to a reputable deal in no time!

Read on to find out what we discovered:

Decide on repairs

If you’re going to be looking at buyers who love to pursue homes on MLS, you’re in for a lot of repairs that definitely have to be shouldered by you before putting your home up on the market. Understand that buyers who are on these listing sites are looking for homes in the best condition possible. Therefore, you have to be okay with shelling out a bit of cash to make your home look as presentable as possible.

However, if you’re selling to fixer-uppers who are okay with a damaged home, feel free to speak to them about the current state of the home and ask if they’re ready to take it as is.

Separate damaged from non-damaged items

Granted, you may have an insurance company on speed dial on the off chance that you’ll have to deal with a fire. This company will likely ask you for a detailed list of all the items that have been damaged in your home so they can properly help you out.

Once it’s safe to do so, try your best to recover important details connected to each damaged item. This may include serial number, date you purchased the item, a brief description of the item, along with its make and model.

Take note of costs

We mentioned insurance a while ago, and although they can pay for many things, they likely won’t be able to cover the entire extent of the damage your property incurred. Remember that your costs start with repairs, but they will likely end with you having the home professionally cleaned and inspected so future interested buyers will consider your home.

Make sure to itemize your costs as best they can and be honest about what you can cover. If you’re determined to cover all costs, consider speaking with your bank about loan options in order to lessen the financial burden.

Contact your insurance company immediately

This step will be a lot easier if you are quite familiar with your insurance agent and you can comfortably call them any time an emergency happens. If your agent is capable and experienced enough, they should be able to give you a lot of useful information during your initial call.

Your insurance agent will likely visit the damaged site when the smoke has cleared and it’s safe for others to visit. When you see them again, be clear and concise with what happened. Disclose as much as you can so they can easily draw up a plan on how to help as best as they can.

Disclose the extent of damage to the buyer

Whether you’re selling to a fixer-upper who doesn’t mind the current state of your home, or a buyer who is interested in your home post-repair and cleaning, it’s common courtesy to disclose everything that happened to cause your home significant damage.

You don’t want to be on the receiving end of a legal complaint, or worse, have your buyer give you a negative review on social media or the listing site you put your property up on. Don’t be afraid of upsetting your buyer with the information. They’ll appreciate your honesty, for sure!

Sell to a professional home buyer!

“Who can buy my house fast in Middlesex, NJ?” You’re in luck! You can easily contact us at Quick N Easy Offers, where we buy houses fast for cash.

We are professional home buyers who purchase homes regardless of realtors, hidden fees, commissions, or repairs. Contact us by visiting our website and submitting the easy-to-answer form you’ll see on our homepage! Get your fair cash offer today.

Michael Hernandez

Real Estate Professional, dedicated to helping homeowners and home-seekers meet their real estate goals.

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